25 Popular Magazines Accepting Freelance Writers From Kenya

write for magazines, magazines accepting freelance writers from Kenya

Getting paid to write for a popular magazine would be a dream come true for many freelance writers in Kenya.

Here is a list of some high-paying magazines that will accept both writing and artwork/photography submissions.

As evident from the pay for most of them, you definitely must submit high quality pitches, query letters and work to get accepted.

A decent portfolio of previous work is also a great first step towards you being invited to even pitch.

What's Covered in This Article


write for pet magazines

Are you a vet, or just a lover of animals? You could make money writing pet – related pieces for these magazines and for some fantastic pay while at it.

  • Animal Wellness Magazine – Welcomes unsolicited articles and story outlines of between 500 to 1,500 words.
  • Bird TALK magazine – Welcomes articles of between 800 to 2,000 words. Pay is $100 to $400 per article.
  • Cat Fancy – If you have an idea for an article, please send a written query with a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
  • Dog Fancy – Please send a query letter detailing the story or article idea  accompanied by self-addressed, stamped envelopes. Expect eight to 10 weeks for a response.
  • EQUUS – A horse health publication for laymen, EQUUS accepts submissions on horse-related topics. Featured pieces generally range from 1,600 to 3,000 words, and the amount of payment depends on quality, length and complexity of the story.
  • Ferrets Magazine – Magazine targeting ferret owners.
  • Reptile Magazine –This targets people who love reptiles and amphibians. Pay is around $500 for 2,000 to 2,500 words.
  • The Bark – This magazine about life with dogs accepts unsolicited publications though could take up to a year to respond. So you must be ready to put on your patience hat.
  • The Horse – A monthly magazine devoted to equine health care The Horse technical articles focused on educating  professional, hands-on horse owner.
  • Tropical Fish Hobbyist – Are you a fish expert? Then The Fish Hobbyist may have some paid work for you.


  • Family Business Magazine – Since the magazine publishes only five times a year, available opportunities are few and far between. But it would still be worth trying. You never know.
  • Home Business Journal – In exchange for your submissions, you will be offered world wide exposure.
  • MyBusiness Magazine – Submit pitches for feature stories falling under one of three categories: owning a business, operating a business and growing a business. Focus the story line on timely problems that small business owners face and offer real, actionable solutions. Trend pieces are also welcome.
  • Working Money – Readers of Working Money are looking for articles that give them solid,
    how-to information about investing their hard-earned money. You will be paid a flat rate upon publication.
  • Working Mother – Working Mother accepts article pitches for content targeting working moms of all stripes: professional, managerial, corporate, entrepreneurial, work-from-homers, service-oriented workers and more.



  • American Girl – Are you a child with a knack for the written word? Well, American Girl magazine is accepting non-fiction submissions by children for crafts, cooking, puzzles, profiles, drawings, jokes, letters, etc.
  • Boy’s Quest – BOYS’ QUEST are looking for lively writing, most of it from a 10-year-old boy’s perspective, with the boy or boys directly involved in an activity that is both wholesome and unusual. Their current need is nonfiction articles accompanied by strong supporting photos. Pays at least five cents a word for both fiction and nonfiction, with additional payment given if the piece is accompanied by appropriate photos or art. For a poem or puzzle, you will be paid a minimum of $10 per with variable rates offered for games, carpentry projects, etc.
  • ADDitude Magazine – This publication is for parents raising children who suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Looking for strong writers, expert webinar hosts, and powerful stories about ADHD, learning disabilities, and other related conditions. Also looking for blog posts by parents, adults with ADHD, educators, spouses, and experts. Pay is up to $200 per article.
  • Mothering – This is a publication targeting parents interested in exploring natural and eco-conscious living — including birth and medical choice, breastfeeding, attachment parenting, gentle discipline, educational alternatives, healthy eating and green products. The pay is up to $500.00 per article.
  • Fun for Kidz – They are looking for lively writing that involves an activity that is both wholesome and unusual. The Ideal length of a FUN FOR KIDZ nonfiction piece is up to 300-325 words for a one-page magazine article or up to 600-650 words for a two-page magazine article. Articles that are accompanied by strong high-resolution photos are far more likely to be accepted than those requiring illustration.
  • Girl’s Life
  • Highlights – Highlights for Children is a general-interest, advertising-free magazine targeting children up to the age of twelve. Of interest to freelance writers based in Kenya would be the magazine’s  current need for stories set in countries outside the United States (Not stories that focus on food traditions). Pays $175 and up per article. They also currently have need for step-by-step photos of a well-made samples of crafts from various cultures. Pays $40 and up per submission.


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  • American Craft Magazine – They work primarily with value freelancers who can write for a general creative audience with clarity and insight. Preferred stories explores a craft artist’s struggles, doubts, determination, and triumphs. Check out their editorial calendar here so you don’t miss out on important deadlines.
  • Sew News – Articles should teach a specific technique, inspire the reader to try a project, introduce the reader to a new product or company related to sewing, or inform the reader about current fashion and sewing trends. Payment ranges from $50 to $500, new writers generally $50 to $150, depending on the length and complexity of the subject, and the garment(s), samples, photography, illustrations or sources to be supplied).
  • Threads Magazine – Bi-monthly, how-to magazine interested in articles about construction and embellishment techniques, materials, tools, and design.

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get paid to write for magazines

Your turn: Have you ever written for any of these magazines? Share with us your experience in the comments below.