Virtual International Recruitment Job Fairs in Canada 2022

Canada virtual international recruitment fairs

What's Covered in This Article

Destination Canada Forum

The Destination Canada Mobility Forum is the premier event for temporary or permanent immigration to Canada.

This annual event organized by the Government of Canada connects Canadian employers and organizations with skilled French-speaking and bilingual candidates in various fields.

The 17th edition of Destination Canada Mobility Forum took place online from November 18 to 20, 2021.

For updates and information about other activities: Sign up for Destination Canada’s newsletter.

Participating as a Visitor

Destination Canada is for French-speaking and bilingual candidates seeking opportunities in Canada (outside Quebec).

Attendance is free but by invitation only. To participate, you need to register first. Destination Canada then invites you to the live online event based on the needs of the Canadian labour market and the job postings on their website.  All registered visitors will have access to the on-demand content online for about a month from the first date of the event.

At Destination Canada Mobility Forum, you will connect online with Canadian employers representing various sectors seeking bilingual and French-speaking talent.

You will also connect with representatives from Canada’s provinces and territories and French-speaking communities. They will tell you about their regions, cities and communities, and their specific immigration programs and they’ll answer questions about life in French in Canada (outside Quebec).

In addition to making connections, you can attend conferences and view videos that will give you an overview of Canada. You will also find information on how to work in Canada temporarily or permanently.

Subscribe to the Destination Canada newsletter for information on all upcoming activities.

New Brunswick International Recruitment Fairs

When employers in New Brunswick are unable to find a Canadian citizen or permanent resident who is qualified and willing to take on the job, it may be possible to participate in international recruitment efforts in co-operation with New Brunswick and with Canadian Embassies around the world.

New Brunswick’s workforce attraction team usually works with Canadian employers to:

  • determine their precise labour needs
  • identify international markets that show promise in meeting your recruitment needs with respect to skills and language requirements
  • develop effective pre-screening questions to deliver a high-quality list of qualified potential candidates

Their team will also:

  • co-ordinate logistics for remote or in-person recruitment events
  • collaborate with employers to provide pertinent immigration-related information to candidates
  • support employers and their candidates throughout the immigration process

Occasionally, the workforce attraction team will invite New Brunswick employers in specific sectors to participate in recruitment events. However, the employers may also contact their regional immigration officer anytime to discuss possible recruitment events tailored to meet their recruitment needs.

Registration to attend New Brunswick’s upcoming online recruitment events are usually open on the New Brunswick government webpage.

In-TAC Virtual Career Expos

The International Talent Acquisition Centre, (In-TAC), is an initiative of the Ottawa Chinese Community Services Centre with a national presence and international reach.

In-TAC provides a national platform to connect newcomers with Canadian employment opportunities, on site and online.

In-TAC is an initiative of the Ottawa Chinese Community Services Centre with a national presence and international reach.

Their multilingual staff members are professionals with extensive business experience. In-TAC’s 600 business partners across Canada include Global 500 companies and leaders in the IT, finance and other professional sectors. In-Tac provides them with talent from more than 100 countries

They help small and medium-size businesses fill their expertise gaps and help internationally educated professionals (IEPs) find jobs in their field of expertise more quickly.


Facebook page:

Journée Québec (Quebec Days)

The Journées Québec are recruitment activities of the Government of Quebec that allow employers to meet their workforce needs by recruiting temporary foreign workers.

If an employer in Quebec has not been able to meet their labor needs with people present in Quebec, they will be able to meet people there who have the skills they are looking for.

The Journées Québec are organized by the Government of Quebec in collaboration with its partners  :

  • Montreal International;
  • Quebec International; and
  • the Drummondville Economic Development Corporation.

The Journées Québec are prepared according to sectors of activity or recruitment territories.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all recruiting activities will take place in virtual mode.

The arrival of workers in Quebec must also strictly respect the health measures put in place by the government of Quebec.

Invitations and job interviews

Potential workers register and apply for your job offers on the Journées Québec online platform during periods when the registrations open.

When the worker registration period is over, employers can invite the people who have applied to their job offers for a job interview.

The job interviews then take place virtually during the Journées Québec.

The logistics of the mission are taken care of by the Government of Quebec and its partners.

Programming of the Quebec Days

To find dates when the Quebec Journees activities will be happening, kindly check on this link.

The following are the existing Quebec Journee activities as at the time of writing this article.:

Quebec Textile Tunisia Days  (online)

  • From February 21 to 25, 2022
  • Sector  : textile

Quebec World Days (online)

  • From February 14 to 25, 2022
  • Sectors  : Information technology, video games, health, manufacturing, maritime industry, catering and transport

Quebec France Belgium Days (online)

  • From March 28 to April 8, 2022
  • Sectors  : Health and social services; education

Quebec Brazil Days (online)

  • April 11-15, 2022
  • Sectors: Information technology, video games, health, manufacturing and industrial, engineering




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