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Top 50 USA Vistor/Tourist Visa Consular Interview Questions and Answers 2023


US Visa Application

Top 50 US visitor/tourist B1/B2 US visa likely consular interview questions in a visa application interview for a Kenyan visiting the US and sample answers.

For first – time applicants, the thought of applying for a US Tourist Visa can be nerve racking.

Many applicants get into panic mode especially on hearing the horror stories from those who’ve been denied a US tourist visa.

Two US visa hacks I can give you right away is to stay positive, and try and control the nervousness.

Secondly, don’t give away unnecessary information that has not been asked of you. Achana na kiherehere mingi nyumbani!

One of the easiest ways to cruise through the US consular interview is by going through the common questions asked in a US visa interview and trying to answer them.

Generally, the US visa interview questions revolve around the response you gave in the DS-160 form.

Hence why I always insist that you should never lie at your visa interview. By the time the visa officer interviewing you, they already have all your background information.

To assist you in preparing for your visa application to visit the US, these are some of the questions you’re likely to be asked during the US visitor/ tourist B1/B2 visa application interview:

What's Covered in This Article

Why do you want to go to America?

  • I want to go and attend my friend’s wedding.
  • I want to tour the US and see what the country has in store
  • I am attending a conference.

This is a very straight forward question so just keep it simple.

However, make sure to carry documentary evidence to support your reasons for wanting to visit the Us. For example, it its to attend a conference, you must have evidence that you are actually attending the conference (e.g. registration confirmation letter from the conference, etc.).

If its a wedding, you must have a physical wedding invitation card in the envelop that was used to send it by post to your address in Kenya. Don’t remove the stamps!

Have you been to the US before?

  • No, this will probably be my first visit 🙂
  • Yes, most recently in 2017

Why now?

  • This is my most available time as I will be on my annual leave from work.
  • I have been saving for this trip for the last 3 years and I have now accumulated enough to fund my trip
  • The international pathfinder camporee is held once in every 5 years. The last time it was held in 2014, I was underage. But I am now of age to attend it.

How will you finance your trip?

  • Myself
  • My employer
  • My spouse
  • My mum/dad

Answer accordingly.

Be prepared to show proof of sufficient funds for your visa application in any one of the following forms:  6 months bank statements, 3 months’ pay slips, M-PESA statements, Paypal income statements, etc.

If someone else is sponsoring your trip – e.g. employer, parent, spouse, etc. – make sure you carry their 6 months’ bank statements along side yours.

What do you do/Where do you work?

  • I run a jewelry business
  • I am a teacher at Nairobi Primary
  • I am a doctor at Aga Khan Hospital

Remember to carry documentary evidence of your source of livelihood.

Depending on your individual circumstance, these may include: business card,  letter of employment from employer, business registration certificate, screenshot of your freelancing platform or personal website, etc.

This question is geared at determining whether or not you intend to leave the use after your visit.

How long have you been working here?

  • For the last 7 years.

How much is your salary?

I earn KES 200,000 per month.

As above, you must have documents to support your claims in the form of 6 months bank statements, 3 months’ pay slips, M-PESA statements, Paypal income statements, etc.

Must match the amount you filled out in your DS-160 US visa application form.

Show me your bank statement

Show your bank statement.

As another frequently asked question for B-1/B-2 US visa interview, you must ensure that you have your bank statements for the last 6 months at the bare minimum.

This is a mandatory requirement even if someone else is sponsoring your trip. Unless of course you’re a student or a minor.

I see that a large amount of money has recently been deposited into your bank account. Why is that?

  • I received a performance bonus from my work in June and that’s what you see in the bank statement.
  • A long-term debtor finally paid a long-overdue invoice. That’s what you see in the bank statement. (Make sure you carry documents to support your claims above, e.g the invoice or bonus letter in this case.)

How much is the total cost of your US trip?

  • My estimated daily costs inclusive of meals are $70/day and my total expense is $2,100 for the entire 10-day trip.

The only reasonable way to answer this question is by having prepared for it in advance.

I suggest you map out your US itinerary and assign costs by activity. So once you have a rough idea of what activities you intend to engage in, you then add up a budget for meals, drinks, and local transport; as well as other costs such are return air tickets, visa fees, etc.

You could prepare a simple excel print out of these costs per line item to carry with you to the embassy.

How many brothers, sisters do you have?

  • I am the only child
  • I have one elder sister and 4 younger brothers

Tell the truth. Have their information such as age, employment details, marital status, etc handy just in case you’re asked.

Do you have any relatives in the US?

  • Yes I do
  • No I don’t

Answer as it applies to you.

Similar to the above question, have their basic information such as age, employment details, marital status, addresses, immigration status, etc handy just in case you’re asked.

If you don’t know, say you don’t know.

I would focus only on my immediate family as it’s difficult to know for example, what my mum’s daughter’s cousin grandmother does in the US…

Who will you be traveling with to the US?

  • I will be traveling by myself
  • I will be traveling with 2 of my colleagues
  • I will be traveling with my son, daughter, etc

Have some basic information about any people you will be traveling with especially if you’re not attending the US visa interview together .

What places in the US do you plan to visit?

The only reasonable way to answer this question is by having prepared for it in advance.

I suggest you map out your US itinerary and do your homework on must see attractions in your destination state(s).

How long do you intend to stay in the US?

10 days

Make sure you answer here matches the information you entered in the DS-160 form that you submitted electronically.

What do you know about America?

Prepare at least three fun interesting things you now about the US e.g.:

  • The US flag was designed by a high school student – Robert G. Heft – in 1959.
  • 100 acres of pizza are served in the US every day!
  • The US uses 18% of the world’s energy.
  • The current president is Donald Trump
  • Mark Zuckerberger is from America

This question might seem redundant but that’s just one way of checking if you did you homework before the consular visa interview.

I see you are highly qualified, do you have plans of working in the US if you get a nice job?

Polite reminder, B1/B2 is a US visit visa, not work visa.

  • No, I don’t.
  • I have a job that I love. Have letter from employer with details of your salary, how long you’ve held your current position, and the number of approved leave days.
  • I love it here in Kenya, and I have made too many investments here at home to afford to walk away from it all. My family is also here and I wouldn’t want to leave my spouse alone or kids unattended to.
  • Besides, as is evident from my passport, I like to travel and would not want to ruin my future travels by working on a tourist visa.

Have documentary evidence of strong ties ready to show in case you’re asked.

This includes: land title deeds, apartment sublease documents, business registration certificates, letter of employment, marriage certificates, birth certificates of kids, etc.

Have you already booked your air tickets to the US?

  • No I haven’t though I already have tentative dates that I’m looking at. As soon as I get the visa I will book the tickets.

You do not to book an air ticket in advance of your US tourist visa interview. Only book your ticket once you have your visa stamped on your passport.

Have you visited other countries before?

Answer this question truthfully.

This is America, darling. They know (nearly) everything.

Badala ya kudanganya, take a bus and go on a Nairobi Kampala road trip or even Nairobi Kigali road trip uwekewa stamp kwa passport!

What conference/workshop is this you’re attending?

  • It is a International Pathfinder Camporee hosted by the SDA church once every 5 years
  • It is the annual management accountants’ conference
  • It is the annual world youth forum

Why must you attend it?

  • By attending the workshop/conference, I get to meet new partners and grow my business
  • Attending this conference will not only augment my technical engineering/accounting, etc, knowledge, but also take my current organization through knowledge transfer.

Why is your company sending you? Why did the company chose you and not your other colleagues?

I believe it’s due to my job position’s requirements and also that it was a better fit for the conference’s/workshop’s objectives.

Where will you be residing in the United States?

  • At Marriot Napa Valley Hotel & Spa
  • At my brother’s house. Be prepared with their home address.

You mentioned that your brother works at …, so what will you be doing while he’s at work?

  • My brother has taken 5 days off on the week that I arrive. In the preceding days when he goes back to work, I have planned to go on some solo day trips from New York City so as to maximize my 10 day vacation in the US.

What do you intend to do should your US visa application be rejected?

  • Depends on why my application is rejected. It it something about my profile that I can improve on and within my intended travel dates, then I will improve on it and submit a new application. That is assuming you intend to reapply.
  • Actually, US happens to be one of the 4 international destinations on my 2019 travel bucket list. Should my visa application be denied, I will reschedule my other trips accordingly.

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50 US visa consular interview questions and answers Kenya