UK to Issue 30,000 Seasonal UK Work Visas in 2022 | UK Seasonal Work Visas Extended to 2024

UK temporary work seasonal worker visa

According to this 24th December 2021 press release by the UK government., there are 30,000 UK seasonal work visas available for issue in 2022, with the potential to increase to 40,000 if necessary.

The UK Seasonal Worker visa pathway which has run since 2019 has been extended until end of 2024, to allow foreign workers to come to the UK for up to six months to work in to work in the horticulture sector (in both edible and ornamental crop farms).

This visa replaced the Temporary Worker – Seasonal Worker visa (T5).

These changes to the UK Seasonal Worker visa will force companies to pay those using the route a minimum salary to discourage poor conditions. It will also be extended to ornamental horticulture to support distinguished flower growers in the UK.

The number of visas will begin to taper down from 2023.

What's Covered in This Article

Eligibility requirements for Temporary Work – Seasonal Worker UK visa

You can apply for a Seasonal Worker visa to come to the UK to:

  • work in ‘edible horticulture’ for up to 6 months – for example, picking fruit and vegetables

You can apply to work in edible horticulture any time.

You’ll need to:

You must be 18 or over when you apply and have both of the following:

  • a certificate of sponsorship reference number from your UK sponsor
  • enough money to support yourself in the UK – you’ll usually need to have at least £1,270 available (unless you’re exempt)

Certificate of sponsorship

A certificate of sponsorship is a reference number which holds information about the job and your personal details. It’s not an actual certificate or paper document.

Your sponsor will give you your certificate of sponsorship reference number.

You’ll need to add your certificate of sponsorship reference number to your visa application form – you can only use it once.

Your certificate of sponsorship is valid for 3 months from the date it’s assigned to you.

Money to support yourself

You must have at least £1,270 (US $1,725) in your bank account to show you can support yourself in the UK.

You will need to have had the money available for at least 28 days in a row. Day 28 must be within 31 days of applying for this visa.

You’ll usually need to show proof of this when you apply, unless your sponsor can cover your costs during your first month in the UK, up to £1,270.

Read the guidance on financial evidence for more information about the money you need and how to prove it.

If your sponsor can support you instead

Your certificate of sponsorship must confirm this. Your sponsor will need to complete the ‘sponsor certifies maintenance’ section on your certificate. This is under ‘Additional data’.

Getting a decision

Once you’ve applied online, proved your identity and provided your documents, you’ll usually get a decision on your visa within 3 weeks.

How much it costs

You will need to:

Application fee

The application fee is £244.

How long you can stay

You can stay in the UK:

  • for up to 6 months for edible horticulture or pork butchery work

You can enter the UK as soon as your visa is valid (up to 14 days before the start date of your job).

Where to find Seasonal UK Visa Sponsored Jobs in the UK

  1. Create an free account and register your CV/resume on online job search websites for UK seasonal work visa sponsored jobs:
  2. Apply directly to organizations in the UK offering seasonal picking jobs with UK visa sponsorship. Below are links to some of the organisations offering seasonal picking jobs in 2022:

» Alliance of Ethical Labour Providers

»HOPS Labour Solutions, Concordia and Fruitful

» British Summer Fruits – online database of UK farms for finding seasonal fruit-picking jobs

» Angus Growers

» Produce Investments

» CDS Labour

» Totaljobs

» Concordia

  1. Ask your friends and/or relatives in UK to help you to find an employer from UK willing to offer you a job.
  2. Consider going through reputable recruitment agencies working in UK
  3. Checking out online UK newspapers is one way to land a job as a fruit picker in the UK
  4. Quick Google search for “fruit-picking jobs UK” or “fruit picking jobs farm” and you will find plenty of vacancies listed
  5. Set up Google Alerts to you can get notified each time a seasonal fruit-picking job in the UK comes up.
  6. Facebook Groups – ask if anyone knows of any fruit or vegetable picking jobs in the UK

When is the peak season for Fruit-Picking Jobs in the UK?

Generally, the fruit-picking season in the UK begins from late May to mid-to-late April and it is around this time of year that you’ll start to see more job opportunities crop up for veggie and fruit pickers in the UK.

How Much Does Fruit Picking in the UK Pay?

Generally, the pay for fruit pickers in the UK ranges from as low as the UK minimum wage of £8.91 per hour to as high as £15 per hour depending on experience, the farm, the job, and hours worked in a day.

5 Tips for successful seasonal job applications

I recommend the following tips when it comes to successfully getting a fruit picking job in the UK:

1. Apply as early as possible

seasonal job openings in the UK do feel up quite fast so, if you can get your job application in early, you stand a better chance of getting that job.

2. Ensure your application gives a great first impression

Ensure your CV and cover letter includes clearly and coherently provides all the necessary information and is specific to the job requirements.

Capitalize on using the job description lingua as much as possible.

3. List all relevant information

Even if it is only mildly related, information such as having relevant experience, valid UK driving license, personal means of transport, how physically fit you are, etc. can help your application stand out from the other applications.

4. Show enthusiasm at every juncture

But most importantly, at interview.

Reveal any traits that will show your strengths as a hard-worker.

5. Be Physically Fit

Most of the job requirements for UK seasonal jobs is ability to stand for extended periods.

Make sure your CV and cover letter expressly reveals that you are fit and healthy by including any past engagement in  physical activities such as sports if it applies to you.

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