EvaMtalii Foundation

My 2019 vision Board & Goals for 2019 Year Resolutions

My 2019 Vision Board

2019 vision board, 2019 new year resolutions

2018 was quite the year for me! You can read all about it in my 2018 year in review by clicking here…

A year of favor and grace on so many levels… to put it mildly.

And though a little late to the party, I believe that since we’re still in January, its not too late to share with y’all my  2019 New Year’s resolutions aka 2019 vision board aka goals for 2019.

For 2019, I will be doing things a little differently than I’ve done it in the past.

First, I have set for goals on two main fronts:

  • for YOU, who’s reading this article or watching this right now on the EvaMtalii YouTube channel; and also
  • for myself Eva, the personal finance, lifestyle, and Kenya travel blogger at EvaMtalii.

Second, I’m taking Sean Ogle’s advice in developing my 2019 vision board.

So, my approach for the 2019 vision board will be action oriented rather than results oriented to increase chances of me achieving them.

Essentially, this pretty much means focusing on goals that I can physically control in, and of themselves.

2019 vision board

Some examples of results oriented goals that you have no physical control over and which by having you’re just lowering the odds of achieving:

For instance I can’t physically whether or not someone subscribes to my blog or YouTube, I can’t physically control whether my body sheds off the belly fat, I can’t physically control whether someone will actually pay me KES 1,000 for that e-book to get me to my desire of earning KES 100,000 per month from my blog, etc.

However, by focusing on action oriented goals, I increase the odds of achieving the above desired results.

I’ve also heard rumors that by writing down your 2019 goals and resolutions is the first step towards achieving them.

So, looking back on how well 2018 has been, here are my 2019 new year resolutions, goals, vision board – whatever name you want to give them – for what I’d like to accomplish in 2019:

What's Covered in This Article


video content 2019

In the past, my focus for has largely been on writing and pictures in delivering content for my audience.

In 2019, I want to focus on as many communicative media as I can lay my hands on.

More specifically, video.

I know how effective video is in evoking emotion and appealing to needs of my audiences in a real and authentic way, and my goal is to  master it starting 2019.

No more chickening away.

Imma gonna dive in and learn on the job!

So please bear with me y’ all. I know with time I will get better at it.

On that note therefore, my first 2019 year resolution is to upload at least one YouTube video in each of the three categories of my blog: personal finance, lifestyle, and travel.

Pitch Brands and Businesses

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take, quote

I started this blog towards the end of 2017 mostly to document my travels around the world and to make use of the extra time I suddenly found myself with in my hands after being laid off from my job.

Over time of blogging because I love to write and also because it’s fun to, I have just been amazed by its potential and how many people my content has been of help to.

So, 2019 is the year I intend to go beyond passion, and into blogging as a business.

On that note therefore, instead of sitting and waiting for brands to approach me in 2019, I will actively go out of my way to approach and pitch at least 100 brands and businesses for sponsorship comps.

Blog Content

As a way of giving back to my Fans, I will publish on the EvaMtalii website:

  • at least 2 new posts weekly that motivate people from so-called third world countries to travel more outside of our borders in spite of the visa shenanigans, bad encounters at points of entry, and exorbitant travel related costs;
  • at least 1 new post weekly that answers a question my blog readers and YouTube listeners struggle with but for some reason don’t know how to ask;
  • at least 1 post per month post that will bridge the gap between inspiration and action, for one more person to create a blog of their own work from home, or seek self employment; and
  • at least 1 post complete with video, per week on my journey as an adult beginner violinist to show someone somewhere that it’s never too late to follow your dream.

Professional Development & Growth


I believe that learning is a lifelong process and there’s no point in my life where I’ll have learnt enough.

I therefore take my personal growth and development very seriously.

In 2019 therefore, I envision to:

  • attend at least one travel-related conference with the goal of exploring potential business opportunities as well as meeting other bloggers in the space;
  • Read at least 15 non-fiction books that I haven’t read before.

Physical Health

Take care of your body, quote

  • Swim for 3 hours combined every week
  • 5km jogs 3 times a week
  • 200 sit ups 6 days a week

My time

If its Not Making Me Money; Making Me Better; or Making Me Happy; I'm Not Making Time for It, Quote

In 2017, I made a resolution to be very selfish with my time – how I’m spending it, and with whom.

In 2018 though, I laxed a little bit and as a result some very toxic people slipped in through the cracks and made my life very difficult.

In 2019, I am going to be very intentional on who I interact with and will not allow myself to get near any sources of negative energy.

Life is short and I’m going to only spend mine in places I’m celebrated and with people who celebrate me.

As 2019 is also the year that I turn 40, this truth couldn’t be more real.

My 2019 Travels

By the providence of God, it is my desire to visit at least 10 new countries and 1 new continent in 2019 that I haven’t been to before. In this post here, I talk about the various tips and hacks that I’m using to afford travel in 2019.

My Creativity and Knowledge

Its never too late to achieve your dreams

In an effort to achieve my vision of actively seeking my creative side, I started learning to play the violin as an adult beginner violinist.

So in 2019 I will:

  1. Deepen my creative capabilities by undertaking 2 violin classes every week.
  2. Practice my violin at least 1 hour everyday;
    1.  Improve my bowing
    2. Scales, scales, scales
    3. Improve my standing posture while playing
    4. Learn hand vibrato
    5. Have fun while at it
  3. Learn the ins and outs of the violin – how to tune it, the history behind its development over the years;
  4. Find other violinists to practice with;
  5.  Set up and perform at at least 1 group orchestra performance in 2019.

Well, that’s pretty much it in terms of my 2019 vision board aka 2019 new year resolutions aka 2019 goals.


Have you set your 2019 goals? What are the main things you want to achieve in 2019? Share with us in the comments below.