Achieving Your New Year Resolution to Start a Business

January is a time when most of us reflect on the year that has been and make resolutions for the new year ahead.

With 2017 having just come to a close, 2018 opened a new chapter – and, with that, new year resolutions.

Some of the most common resolutions include: starting your own business, losing weight, quitting smoking, getting out of debt, drinking less, falling in love, etc.

Unfortunately, statistics show that  only 8% of the people who set New Year Resolutions successfully achieve them. Resolutions alone are simply not enough. You need to go ahead and do what you resolved to do.

The first step is doing so is realistic planning.

People who explicitly set out to make plans are 10 times more likely to achieve them than people who don’t explicitly make plans.

Many people have “start my own business” on their New Year’s resolutions list.

Made starting a new business or enhance current business one of your New Year’s Resolutions and not sure how to proceed?

That’s where Folks with Pens comes in.

Think of us as a personal planner for your business operations.

We take the thoughts and ideas  you have for your business and put it on paper in a manner that meets your readers’ needs.

We can develop custom successful business plans adequate for both your funding and operational needs.

Not only can we write your business plan from scratch, we can also polish an existing one and beef it up to meet investor or bank loan officer requirements.

What we deliver to you is a professionally written business plan ready for presentation to your readers.

So, whether your new years’ resolution is to start a business or enhance your current business, one thing is constant. You will need to plan for either activity.

Contact me today to write you a winning business plan.

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