EvaMtalii Foundation

💔The Museum of Broken Relationships💔

Where memories of broken 💔 hearts live.

Did you just end a relationship😢, are brokenhearted💔, and wish to erase everything that reminds you of that painful experience?” .


You might regret it one day!

If you hang on with me for a second before you destroy all those mementos, you’ll soon understand why.

Some time back while on a trip to Los Angeles, I stumbled upon a very unusual museum – the Museum of Broken Relationships…

At its core, the Museum aims “to offer a space for people whose hearts have been broken, to creatively recover from the grief of love lost by sharing and treasuring their sentimental artifacts at the museum; accompanied by a personal, and preferably anonymous story of its contributor and why the artifact represents a broken relationship” 💔.

Visiting the museum got really emotional for me. I essentially experienced the entire spectrum of feelings – I cried, I laughed, I cringed, I scratched my head, and at other moments just went numb.

Throughout the museum were all manner of random and quirky stuff that people had saved from their former love lives – sorted by why it happened – e.g. breakups, unexpected deaths, war, etc.


So now that you’ve read all this way, what is that one thing you’d send to the museum to get closure for your broken relationship?

Check out the Museum of Brokenships’ website for steps on how you can submit your mementos and lost love stories 💔.

This could be your first step towards getting closure and unburdening that emotional load that reminds you of your painful experience.